Somaliland: Taiwan donates computers to 5 universities


Dubai-Ambassador Bashe Awil Omer, Somaliland representative to the United Arab Emirates on Saturday received a consignment of computers meant to be distributed to universities in Sool, Sanaag , Sahil , Togdeheer and Gabiley regions.

The Somaliland representative to the UAE receiving the computers in his Dubai office from Taiwanese officials said, “On behalf of the people and government of Somaliland, I would like to express gratitude to government of Taiwan for their generosity. He went on to stated, “Our two countries enjoy good cordial relationship.

Ambassador Bashe Awil Omer and his Taiwanese counterpart lengthy discussions in which they explored ways to enhance future bilateral and trade relation between the Somaliland and the republic of Taiwan, especially since the south east Asian nation has much to offer to Somaliland in terms of financial and economic know-how.

The 50 laptop computers will be divided to five universities spread across five regions in the country :

  1. Nugaal University, Lascaanood,         10 Computers (Laptop)
  2. Burco University, Togdheer,                10 Computers (Laptop)
  3. Berbera Maritime University,                10 Computers (Laptop)
  4. Tima-cade University,                          10 Computers (Laptop)
  5. Erigavo University,                        10 Computers (Laptop)

Ambassador Bashe Awil Omer on his part awarded his Taiwanese counterpart with a certificate appreciation by promoting higher learning institutions in Somaliland in the field of technology.

The government of Taiwan has since early last year started awarding two academic scholarships toSomaliland born students through Somaliland UK mission each year.

On the other hand, H.E the Vice President Abdurrahman Abdillahi Ismail Saylic currently visiting the UAE, paid a courtesy call to the SL mission premises based in Dubai , whereby he was received by the Ambassador Bashe Awil Omer and staff.



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