Somaliland CSOs: Extent of drought beyond local capacity, resources


Press Release: Emergency Appeal on the Situation of Drought in the Eastern Regions of Somaliland

“On November 20th 2016, Somaliland Civil Society Organizations (SCOs) met at the office of the Somaliland Non-state Actors Forum (SONSAF) in Hargeisa to discuss the alarming drought situation in Somaliland.

This meeting was attended by large members of CSOs, who shared information on the situation and condition of drought, and the on-going efforts and responses.

The CSOs recognize the magnitude and severity of the drought as declared by the President of Somaliland and sends Government Appeal for Urgent Drought Relief Support on Thursday, 17th November 2016.

“This Emergency Appeal is seeking to support prompt delivering of assistance to the drought-affected area of Eastern regions, where people are in need of food, water, health and care, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition and resettlement of displaced people.

“The absence of expected Dayr rains in the area exacerbated drought conditions leading to depletion of water and pasture in the area. The scarce of water and pasture have led threat to human lives and deaths of livestock.

“In accordance with the preliminary information obtained, many people are in an acute of food insecurity and it is expected that risks of the droughts is to increase during the period before GU rains February and March of the next year. There was not much international support during February/March droughts of this year, and so far the current responses are locally driven initiatives based on domestic fund-raising schemes mobilized and participated by the government, business people, political parties and the public at large, while Diaspora initiative is under process.

“The extent of the emergency is beyond the local capacity and resources. International assistance is highly needed to be responsive at this stage to save lives both human and livestock. On behalf of Somaliland civil society, we call on international community to take immediate and responsive action for their humanitarian assistance on the drought-affected people in Somaliland.

The CSOs recommend the Government of Somaliland to make a plan to tackle future droughts and to put in place disaster preparedness plan. In addition, improving the coordination and humanitarian responses should help timely delivering and identification of the target people.”

Somaliland Non- State Actors Forum (SONSAF)


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