Trump will take oath as nation’s least-popular president in at least 4 decades, poll says


Attitudes toward Trump, along with deep partisan divisions that predated his candidacy, provide the backdrop for Friday’s ceremonies at the Capitol.

After a tumultuous campaign and transition, President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office Friday as the least popular incoming president in at least four decades, but a majority of Americans nevertheless express optimism that he will be able to fulfill campaign pledges to boost the economy and deal with threats of terrorism, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Amid controversy and calls for additional investigations into possible Russian interference in the election, most Americans disapprove of Trump’s response to the hacking and other activities. But they are divided on the question of whether the president-elect has been too friendly toward Russia or taken the right approach in his public comments and posture.

On ethical matters, a bare majority say the steps Trump and his attorney outlined last week to turn over control of his sprawling business enterprise to his children create adequate separation while he serves as president. But the public is split almost evenly on whether he and his family are fully complying with federal ethics laws, and an overwhelming majority say he should release his federal tax returns, which he has long declined to do.

The Post-ABC survey offers a starting point and a measuring stick for a Trump presidency. As in the campaign, Trump is a polarizing figure who generates great enthusiasm among those who supported him and deep hostility among those who did not. Attitudes toward Trump, along with deep partisan divisions that predated his candidacy, provide the backdrop for Friday’s ceremonies at the Capitol and the opening days of the 45th president’s tenure.

Trump tweeted recently about the divisions and anger that have marked the politics of the country and, noting that many Americans say little can be done to change it, declared in capital letters that “it will change.” The new survey underscores the challenges that await him as he attempts to make good on that statement. But it also highlights the mixed emotions many Americans bring to a Trump presidency.

On the eve of his inauguration, 44 percent of Americans say they believe Trump is qualified to serve as president, compared with 52 percent who say he is not. The good news for Trump is that the 52 percent figure is the lowest since he became a candidate. Over 8 in 10 Republicans say he is qualified, and about the same percentage of Democrats say he is not. Independents are almost evenly divided on the question.

Trump will enter the Oval Office on Friday with his image upside down. Just 40 percent say they have a favorable impression of him, and 54 percent view him unfavorably – with 41 percent saying they have a strongly unfavorable impression of him. That’s starkly different from current views of President Obama, whose favorable rating is at 61 percent.

Compared with other presidents, Trump’s handling of the transition has been judged harshly by respondents. As with his favorable rating, 40 percent say they approve and 54 percent disapprove. In comparison, roughly 8 in 10 approved of the way Obama and former presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush handled their transitions. And about 7 in 10 approved of the way former president George W. Bush handled his, even though it came amid the rancorous 37-day recount of ballots in Florida and a controversial Supreme Court decision that helped put him in the Oval Office.



This Is How The Office Of The Most Powerful Man In The World Looks Like

A recent interview with Donald Trump allowed journalists a glimpse into the President-elect’s New York headquarters.

Donald Trump’s office is located on the 26th floor of the Trump Tower and a gargantuan bullet proof window opens a gorgeous view of Central Park.

He had been using the same office since the eighties and the memorabilia really shows.

 The property tycoon’s office walls are adorned with a myriad of different awards, medals and photos with different famous and influential people. Upon his desk is a framed portrait of his father Fred Trump who passed away in 1999 at the age of 93.

This Is How The Office Of The Most Powerful Man In The World Looks LikeHe was one of the few males featured on the cover of a Playboy magazine

On the couch lays World Championship belt of Mike Tyson and the helmets of many NFL stars, a sign that the new president is an avid sports fan.

The rewards on his wall show his accomplishments that he earned pouring his sweat and tears in the business world. A large boomerang on his wall is an award he received from the Forum Club when he managed to pulled off the ‘Comeback of the Decade’ after the shocking real estate market collapse of the 1980s.

A Playboy cover with Donald Trump looking at the viewer from the cover is one of the few Playboy issues with a man on the cover of the magazine. Other magazines with Trump on the cover are GQ, Financial Times, Times and Variety.

Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States will be held this Friday on January 20th 2017.

This Is How The Office Of The Most Powerful Man In The World Looks LikeTrump had been using the same office since the Eighties


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