Somaliland: President Siilaanyo promotes over 4000 officers on army commemoration day (Pics)


His Excellency the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo’, announced delighted the army, Thursday, by announcing promotions for over four thousand army officers and financial rewards for many more.

The President delighted the army for promotions that will directly benefit 4393 commissioned officers, effective, from 2 February, and an unspecified number of others who would be honored with financial rewards in his speech at the army HQ in the capital Hargeisa, where the army was commemorating its 23rd anniversary.

The President said the promotions reflected the state’s gratitude on the critical role the army played in dousing down and ensuring the security of El Afwein, Sin-Arro, Dhumey and Dibtaag areas where pastoral clans clashed during 2016.

The President pointed out that without their selfless intervention, lives lost to the heat of those moments would have been much higher.

The President congratulated all army personnel – rank and file, and their families wherever duty may have stationed them, going on to say that he, particularly, wished to welcome to the army and the state, in general,  ‘ those army servicemen and women who have joined the armed forces in the areas of eastern Sanaag and Sool who have achieved laudable feats during their service’.

His Excellency the President honored the late President Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, and his Vice President, SNM leader, Abdirahman Aw Ali Farah, for taking the bold step that turned ex-armed freedom fighters into disciplined military officers and servicemen.

The President did not forget to honor the first general of the army, General Hassan Ali Abokor, and Sultan Mohamed Sultan Farah, who have welcomed the first demobilized veterans from the SNM fighters who formed the very first units of the national army.

Army Chief of Staff, Major General Tani, summarized some of the landmark achievements of the army since its inception.Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, hat and outdoorThe National Army Commemoration Day brought together the government, national political parties, foreign diplomats and representatives resident in Hargeisa and a large number of dignitaries representing the traditional leaders of the country, civil society, and business community.Image may contain: 4 people, people standing

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