Somaliland: Kulmiye Presidential candidate stands firmly behind state leader (video, images)


Presidential candidate for the ruling Kulmiye political party, Musa Behi Abdi, stood firmly behind His Excellency the President’s acceptance of the UAE application to establish a military base in Berbera.

The joint houses of the Republic of Somaliland’s bicameral parliament overwhelmingly approved President Siilaanyo’s call to MPs to stand by his decision on a 144 against 1 rejection and 1 abstention house vote.

“Kulmiye stands unwaveringly behind its godfather and founder, the incumbent leader of the Republic of Somaliland and the ex-veteran leader of SNM, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo’, on the innumerable, incalculable stream of developmental projects he has initiated during his reign,” Mr. Behi said, addressing throngs of crowds that welcomed him at Tog Wajale district, upon return from an official, high-profile visit he made to the Federal Republic of Ethiopia.

Mr. lauded the president’s decision to put the proposal in front of members of the House of Elders (Guurti) and the House of Representatives whom he called to a joint session which he said was constitutionally correct.

“That was democratic and proper. What was not is the Hoose Speaker walking out of the House he led in a cloud when he perceived the overwhelming support the UAE application received among the MPs,” Musa said, alluding to HS Abdirahman Irro’s improper behavior caught on camera during Sunday’s sitting.

“If the Chairman cannot sit out a democratic voting process today, how can he run for a presidency that requires a full protocol of tolerance and the sanctity, adherence of majority decisions,” the Kulmiye leader pointed out.

Mr. Behi, on the other hand, cautioned Somalia leaders in Mogadishu against meddling in the internal, sovereign affairs of Somaliland.

“Somaliland reaches its own decisions and is its own master of its destiny unlike Somalia. We call Somalia leaders to fully respect the sovereignty and statehood Somaliland,” he said.

Musa Behi attended the anniversary of the Ethiopian army only days after he led a high-powered delegation to Addis Ababa where they were very warmly received by the Ethiopian premier Ato Desalegn Haile-Mariam with whom the delegation held talks of mutual import to the two neighbors.cirro

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Image may contain: 6 people, crowd and outdoorImage may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 6 people, people smiling, outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, crowd and outdoor


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