SOMALILAND: Waddani officials asked Somalia to condemn UAE military base deal


Insider sources are revealing that Somaliland’s main opposition party, Waddani, asked Somalia’s new President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo to condemn the recent military base agreement between the Republic of Somaliland and the United Arab Emirates.

President Farmaajo reportedly then instructed Somalia’s Auditor General, Dr. Nur Farah to hold a press conference condemning the agreement.

According to sources, Waddani party leader Hersi Ali Haji Hassan and senior Waddani officials, contacted President Farmaajo to aid the opposition party in their battle against the UAE military base agreement.

It is not known why Waddani’s leadership is actively opposing the deal, when 28/33 Waddani MP’s voted in a favour of the deal when it was brought before Somaliland’s parliament.

Dr. Nur Farah, Somalia’s Auditor General, held a press conference in Mogadishu yesterday, denouncing the agreement as illegal and threatened to report the UAE to the Arab League.

*The National cannot confirm the validity of the claims shared by insider sources. However, it is worth nothing that the sources that leaked this story, have close ties to the leadership of Somaliland’s opposition party.

The National


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