Somaliland: President launches National Development Plan II of 2017-2021


The President H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Mohamud Silanyo has hailed Somaliland passage of rite as to not only establish but execute the national development planning policies with all institutions in place.

The Head of State’s sentiment was expressed in his speech in the launching of the National Development Plan II of 2017 to 2021.

While noting that most has been achieved through solidarity and unity in a peaceful setting, he also paointed out self-help partnership and togetherness as being the main carriages of the triumph.

“The Republic of Somaliland has reached here through a long struggle and during turbulent times”, he said.

He reminded the audience that since the re-assertion of the nation’s independence, “We have triumphed in attaining an articulate independent state with all the fabrics of governance completely in place”.

He confirmed that the in the past quarter of the century that the nation has been in the doldrums of non-recognition (where they could not participate fully in international financial institutions, hence hindered), the country has made monumental progress that has made it a fact that Somaliland is a reality and an essence in place that confounds both friends and foes.

The President stated that the transition to multiparty democratization has been established in the country hence flourishing better than most African states have ever realized.

He said that whatever the case, the country experienced the hiccups all developing countries dwindled in such as in socio-economical, environmental, accountability sectors and poverty cases.

“What inhibits us most is the recurrent droughts due to the global climate change that has negatively affected the national economy”, said the President.

He said that the Kulmiye administration under his stewardship had initially formulated the National Development Plan One so as to address these issues.

He said that the planning policies were in line with achieving the objectives the country envisions by 2030.

“It is our happiness today to unveil the Second Plan of 2017 to 2021” said the President.

“I believe this plans would make a major difference”, said the President.

He said that the policy of this nation is passing on (relaying) the batons hence I expect the President who will succeed me will see through the development plan”. He will not defend his seat.

The President lastly thanked the friendly partner states who always stood by Somaliland in development terms.

He appealed to the members of the public and donor states to eke in more support hence aid in the implementation of the plan.

He thanked the planning ministry for their endeavours under Hon. Mohammed Ibrahim Aden.

Hon. Mohammed had given an outline of the National Development Plan II in a speech on the occasion.

He outlined the priority areas in the sessional paper which would specifically focus on:-

  • Easing poverty.
  • Creation of labour opportunities.
  • Promote trade and international investments.
  • Bolster national coffers such as Agriculture, fisheries, frankincense and modern animal husbandry.
  • Counter droughts and adapt to climate.
  • Bolster infrastructure and public amenities.
  • Step up accountability, good governance and human rights.

On the other hand the Kulmiye chairman and the party’s flag bearer in the upcoming Presidential election Musa Bihi Abdi scoffed at his UCID counterpart Feisal Ali Warabe’s assertion that the previous plan did not achieved anything at all.

Mr. Bihi praised the planning ministry.

He said that water resources and environmental issues should be prioritized.

He took a swipe at Wadani chairman and parliamentary speaker for not attending the occasion.

Feisal not only poked at Plan One but also dismissed the Plan Two National Development Policy as a ‘non-starter’.

He claimed that “institutions to implement them were non-existent”.

The President was accompanied by the First Lady Amina Sheik Mohammed Jirde.

Almost all the cabinet ministers, Somaliland Development Fund officials, senior government and political notables were present at the function that was held at Ambassador Hotel in the city.

Renown satirical poet Ahmed Mohammed popularly known as Abwan Dhako had the President and the guests laugh in a quarter of an hour’s light moments.

By M.A. Egge




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