UNSOM says Mr. Keating did not write alleged letter to Farmajo


The UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) ‘advises’ that a letter which was purportedly written by Mr. Michael Keating, Assistant Representative of the UN Secretary-General to Somalia, going viral on Somali-related social media sites was ‘fake’.

The content of the letter implied that it was a response to an official communication from President of Federal Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, asking the UN and international partners stationed in Mogadishu to support his vision of a united Somalia by supporting Waddani party of Somaliland since that party was more supportive of a reunification between the Republic of Somaliland and the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS).

Mr. Keating, it was alleged, rejected Mr. Farmajo’s proposal, pointing out that neither the UN nor other international partners were keen to contribute to anything that could potentially jeopardize the relative stability of Somaliland.

In one of the Tweets on the subject (below), quoting an article published on the alleged communication between President Farmajo and the SRSG, Mr. Keating,  UNSOM said: “UNSomalia advises that this letter from the SRSG to President Farmajo regarding #Somaliland election on social media is FAKE“.

It was followed by another as below which generated an exchange of views questioning or supporting the veracity of the original letter.  Those who discredited it especially pointed out the grammatical errors and omissions it carried which could not be attributed to an official communication from a UN office. The other camp insisted that even if Mr. Keating had written the letter, he would not have owned up to it or admitted writing it in any way.

See below.



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