Somaliland: Cabinet of Ministers Accuse Somalia of Territorial Violation


On their second meeting, the new Somaliland cabinet of ministers gunned a stiff, no-nonsense warning to the IC-protected federal government of Somalia, Thursday, accusing it of aggression and territorial violation.

“Somaliland views Somalia’s claims over Somaliland airspace and the incursion its officials made into Somaliland territories as a blatant aggression that will not be tolerated again,” a statement issued at the end of the Thursday meeting said.

The statement follows a lavishly organized, high profile inauguration held at Adan Adde International Airport, Mogadishu, on 28 December, which almost all high-powered Somalia government officials, led by President Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo” led, attended. The occasion marked what Somalia’s internationally propped, weak government termed as the inauguration of equipment giving it the necessary capability to manage ‘Somalia’ airspace, including that of the Republic of Somaliland.

Following that development, Somaliland dispatched official protests to ICAO and other pertinent United Nations branches challenging the professed takeover of airspace under dispute between Somalia and Somaliland, as has been spelled out by the talks between the two sides embodied, specifically, on articles 7 & 8 of the Istanbul Communique II.

Somalia’s Planning minister, Jamal Mohamed Hassan, made a taunting visit, only last week, to large parts of Sanaag region of Somaliland that was interpreted as the first step to a full-scale assault on Somaliland territories on the part of Mogadishu, which, again, signalled the end of all semblance of talks between Hargeisa and Mogadishu.

The cabinet statement earned a wide a public support.


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