President Bihi Undertakes Construction of Two Crucial Roads for Sanaag, Awdal (Images)


Two very crucial, arterial tarmac roads are to be started for Awdal and Sanaag regions as soon as the 308-km road linking Burao to Erigavo is completed, the state declared.

His Excellency Musa Bihi Abdi, who, on his first trip out of the capital since he was inaugurated President on December 2017, made a three-day visit to Awdal and Gabiley regions, delighted Awdalites by undertaking to start a 270-km paved road which will connect Borama to the main custom depot of Lawya’addo on the Somaliland side of the country’s border with the Republic of Djibouti.

Speaking at the 11th graduation ceremony of Amoud University, where he ceremonially awarded degrees to a selected number of first, and second-degree students representative of more than 840 graduating students on Saturday, the President said his government will complete a road his predecessor, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo’, laid the foundation stone for in 2012.

Following up on critical development projects the previous government, also born of Kulmiye party, started – some completed, some planned, President Bihi drew a delighted ovation from participants, earning the goodwill of all Awdalites by the timely announcement he mad.

“We do not expect that the Burao-Erigavo road will take more than 18 months more to wrap up. Construction of Borama-Lawya’addo road will immediately follow,” the president stated.

President Bihi, also, announced that a 163-km road between Erigavo and Badhan of Sanaag region will be built to complete a paved road presently under construction which began from El Dahir on the Somaliland-Puntland border that will stop at Badhan.

With the added – and immediate – construction of a bridge that will connect Amoud University to the main city of Borama, 3 kilometers away, which he laid the first cornerstone for, during his visit, President Bihi swept away the difficulties students and transportation faced during flood periods to reach town and/or the university.

The Siilaanyo government, in collaboration with ASARDA – a development, voluntary organization of Awdal, built a 30-km, paved road between Dilla and Borama. The government, also, did a major, rehab work on 18 kilometers of ruts and holes between Dilla and Kalabaydh, thus rendering the region, in general, easily accessible and open to an unceasing traffic of visitors and tourists.

President Bihi called on Somaliland intellectuals, academia, the business community, farmers and the public to keep both micro-, and macro-development plans always uppermost in mind. He stated that his government has already revived major agricultural schemes to replenish the country’s food basket by sowing 11 square kilometers in the Wajaale area and 900 hectares more in the Xaaxi (Haahi) valley.

The President stayed the first night in Borama, and the second in Gabiley where he went into intensive meetings with regional and district officials as well as prominent members of the two respective regions.





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