Somalia army, American rangers assassinate a well known Sheikh


Somali especial forces, along with US troops have carried out a joint raid on Wanlaweyn town to kill a well known Sheikh in the area.

The operation was conducted last night in the town, about 90 km (55 miles) to the northwest of Somali capital Mogadishu.

The coalition forces targeted a house inhibited by a well-known elder, whose name has been released as Mo’alim Nour Osman Bilal.

Mo’alim Bilil was reportedly killed in the operation.

Bilal was an Islamic preacher, according to a local resident, who spoke to Caasimada Online via phone from the town.

It is unclear if Mo’alim Bilil is suspected to have links with Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab group in Somalia.

There was no immediate comment from local authorities over the operation.


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