Somaliland Measures Up to German Standards in Programs Supported


His Excellency the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Musa Bihi Abdi, received Mr. Günter Nooke, Special Representative of the German Chancellor for Africa, Monday.

During the reception, according to a Tweet the President posted and a brief, skeletal note the Presidency shared on its official Facebook page, the two sides discussed on-going German supported programs in Somaliland.

President Bihi, particularly, expressed how critical the programs were to Somaliland development and, consequently, how that support was gratefully noted by the Somaliland government and its public.

Mr. Nooke expressed satisfaction on the progress of ongoing projects and that he will be sharing his notes with the Chancellor, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union, who all have contributed to programs underway here and elsewhere in the Somali territories.

Mr. Gunter Nooke and a delegation he led were on a visit to the Horn of Africa nation to follow up on vast developmental programs which Germany supports either directly or through agencies such the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

In Somaliland, GIZ is working with KfW on expanding the water supply and sanitation system and introducing sustainable land management. Germany has significantly contributed to the expansion and systemization of Hargeisa, the capital – a project expected to be concluded in early 2021.

Germany is also working with the national road authority to rebuild the main transport route connecting the capital to Gabiley on which alone it is spending US$4 million.

In the Sahil region, GIZ is supporting efforts to modernize livestock husbandry and agriculture so that settled farmers and nomadic pastoralists are better protected from potential crises such as droughts.

At the reception, Suleiman Yusuf Ali Koore, the Somaliland Minister for Development of Water Resources, Liban Yusuf Osman, assistant minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation, Mr. Abdillahi Mohamed Dualeh, Somaliland representative to the African Union and IGAD and Mr. Mohamed Ali Darood, the managing director of Hargeisa water agency, were present.Somtribune

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