First Batch of Somaliland National Service Volunteers Graduate


A first batch of 1500 volunteers to the National Service Programme graduated, Monday, from the Dararweine cadets training academy in a function attended by His Excellency the president of the Republic of Somaliland, Musa bihi Abdi.

The graduates completed a three-month training on an assortment of vocations and physical training and would start a nine-. to ten-month voluntary service with the armed services, and social welfare services bodies such as health and education.

Of the 1500 graduates, 500 are girls.

The program prepared the boys, chiefly, for services with the different branches of the army, coast guards, custodial corps and para-military police units where the girls would do their NS stint with civil agencies and ministries.

Speaking at the occasion, His Excellency the President stated that he hoped that the program and its graduates promote clan-free work environments and mindsets in Somaliland.

“I do sincerely hope that you learn the value of serving your country without cramming socially debilitating inhibitions into an otherwise most honourable intent,” he told the young, hyped graduates.

The President said the programme aimed to rekindle patriotism, voluntarism and a spirit of belonging to young generations, especially graduates from universities who have the necessary skills to contribute much to the society.

Other speakers at the occasion included General Nuh Tani, the Army Chief, H.E. Abdiqani Mohamoud Atteye, Minister of Defense, Dr. Edna Adan, and the Director of the NSP, Mohamoud Hussein Osman ‘Mu’addinka’, who all extolled the many benefits the programme embodies for both volunteers and the nation, in general.

The National Service Programme is the brainchild of President Bihi and, thus far, the single most successful programme introduced by his government since he took over the helm in late 2017.


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