Somaliland: Ministry of Health Receives 6000 Antigen Covid-19 Rapid Test


The Republic of Somaliland’s Ministry of Health received antigen covid-19 test kits donated by the Taiwanese private sector from the Taiwan Representative office in Hargeisa.Antigen tests for COVID-19 are fast and easy – and could solve the coronavirus  testing problem despite being somewhat inaccurate

Businesses enterprises, especially the TaiDoc Technology Corporation and ForaCare Foundation, responding to the burgeoning friendship between the two vibrant but internationally sidelined democracies, sent over 6000 antigen kits to Somaliland. The kits can produce results within 15 minutes.

Minister Omar Ali Abdullahi expressed his gratitude to the government and private sector of Taiwan in a Tweet he posted on his private account shortly after the delivery of the antigen kits to his ministry.

According to an official released by the Taiwanese Embassy in Somaliland, the kits aim to ‘support Somaliland proactively to combat the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic’.

Taiwan has previously donated masks, gloves, equipment, reagents, PPE protective clothes, infrared forehead temperature detectors/thermometers, and PCRs among others to the Republic of Somaliland to contain the deadly virus and minimize its impact.

The rapid antigen covid tests were jointly tested and approved by the Taiwanese government and the EU before delivery to Somaliland, according to the official statement of the Taiwan Hargeisa office.

News Release: Taiwan-Somaliland fight against COVID-19 together


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