Ahlu Sunna forces Rout Out Federal, State Troops from Central Somalia Towns


Reports from the central Somalia federal state of Galmudug state that Ahlu Sunna fighters have driven out police, military and NISA forces under either federal or state commands from several towns in the state.

The group captured several army outposts such as Bohol and Godwiil before advancing to the major town of Guri’el. The latter fell into their hands, Friday, without a shot fired. SNA battle-worthy vehicles, munition, administrative offices were said to have been captured, too.

The reports add that local populations lined up on the streets to welcome the group.

People were getting tired of Al-Shabaab waging constant, ongoing hit-and-strike skirmishes in those areas keeping people’s hearts in their mouths out of fear. Al-Shabaab, more often than not, captured towns outside of but near Guri’el at will routing out SNA troops and collecting arsenal, vehicles and supplies then leaving as quickly as they came.

Ahlu Sunna and Al-Shabaab are arch-enemies.

The group, which follows a softer ideological doctrine than that of the more militant al-Shabaab, have struck deals with the federal government of President Farmajoat the time PM Hassan Ali Khairre was running it a year or so back. Khairre, at the time, broke the group strength through a combination of guile and incentives. Ahlu Sunna troops, then, were drafted as regular army officers and many thought that was the end of the religious sect and its influence.

The re-emergence of Ahlu Sunna, adding to similar moves that al-Shabaab made in the Southwest regions of Bay and Bakool, reveal how futile the combined efforts of the weak government in far-off Mogadishu and the AU-led international community security measures have become.

With the two groups gathering strength, rebuilding their influence and show of confidence to the north and south of the capital, Mogadishu, where there is the government seat and that of foreign missions, it is a matter of time before the encroaching pinch will be felt in the city.

It is not clear, yet, how the government or AMISOM will handle the situation.


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