Somaliland: Nine Political Associations Pass on to Final Round


Today, unprecedented history wrote itself in Somaliland.

Somaliland Committee for Registration of Political Associations and Approval of National Parties (CRPAANP) signed nine political associations on to the final round of direct elections.

Among the nine, for the first time in the history of Somaliland, 1 political association from Sool, 1 from Buuhoode, 1 from Awdal, and 1 led by a woman make the final selection but one.

Abdirizak Ibrahim Mohamed ‘Attash’ – a former minister – of Waaberi political association, Suleiman Isse Ahmed ‘Haglotosiye’ of Buuhoode (SPP), Professor Ahmed Ismail Samatar of Hillaac and – most significantly – Roda Abdi Musa – the first female to ever make it this far – of Ogaal, respectively, chalked the new records.Image

Kaah, led by Mohamoud Hashi Abdi, a formidable political power-broker and a former, influential minister, Abdullahi Hussein Iman ‘Dareewal’, also another former minister, of Horseed political association, Abdullahi Ahmed Mohamed ‘Dahab’ of Rejo, and Osman Mohamed Badmah of Mideeye, respectively, completed the list.

The nine, together with the three former national parties of Kulmiye, Waddani and UCID whose terms in office expire on 26 December 2022, will go to direct elections to run for a place among the three constitutional national parties to reign for the next ten years.

Fourteen associations initially registered for the bid to emerge as national parties going after which the CRPAANP ran them through several screening steps. The last of these was just completed making certain that each association could field at least 1000 members in each of the six major regions.



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