Ethiopia will Host the 3rd International ‘Financing for Development’ Conference


(Addis Ababa) The third ‘Financing for Development’ is expected to bring up to 5,000 participants to Ethiopia. first ‘Financing for Development’ conference was held in Montreal while the second one was held in Doha. The US delegation met officials in the AU and ECA as well.us_delegation-690x350

John Podesta, Counselor to the President Obama, stated his delegation came to Ethiopia to show the US Government’s support to Ethiopia in organizing the conference. He also highlighted the importance of holding robust discussion about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). John Podesta and his delegation discussed the priority agendas of the conference and underlined the need to ensure greater participation of the youth and private sector.

The Ethiopian Foreign minister, Dr. Tedros held talks with US delegation led by John Podesta. The discussion covered a range of issues related to ‘Financing for Development’ conference which will be held in Addis Ababa in July.

The Ethiopian Foreign minister Dr. Tedros thanked the delegates for the visit and mentioned his appreciation for the opportunity given to Ethiopia to host the third international ‘Financing for Development’ conference. He said Ethiopia draws on its commendable experience in hosting similar conference for the successful conclusion of the conference.

The Ethiopian Foreign minister Dr Tedros underlined the significance of hosting such conference not only to Ethiopia but also to African and mentioned that the committee has already been established and preparations are well underway. He expressed the conference will bring insights in building capacity and mobilizing internal and international resources for development and encourage inflow of foreign direct investment.

The 3rd Financing for Development Conference will be deliberating on international trade, environment financing and its relations with development financing, enhancing private sector involvement and increasing in-flow of foreign direct investment, debt management, regional integration. In addition, perspectives of African and other developing countries on Sustainable Development Goals, strategic arrangement are also part of the discussion.


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