New Round of SL and SFG talks to Resume today in Istanbul


Image result for Somaliland, Somalia talksThe sixth round of the ongoing dialogue talks between Somalia’s federal government and Somaliland republic are resume today the 26, Thursday, February, 2015 with delegates representing both sides are expected face to face in a conference room in Istanbul, Turkey.

On Tuesday this week, the government of Somaliland announced that the resumption of the ongoing talks between the two countries in Turkey amid calls by elements in the opposition urging the current administration for the postponement of the talks until the upcoming national elections are held.

BIHI YUNISSomaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon Mohamed Bihi Yunis in a written statement stated, “The ongoing talks between the republic of Somaliland and the federal government of Somalia will resume as scheduled on the 26, Thursday, February, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Therefore, I would like to clarify that the upcoming electoral process doesn’t in any way whatsoever affect the ongoing talks between the two countries neither do the two processes connect in anyway the reason being the talks must continue whether the current government is elected or a different one is in power.

On the other hand the federal government of Somalia has not issued any formal statement regarding the resumption of the talks which are expected to resume today in Istanbul, Turkey.

(Source: SL Press)


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