Arab League Agreement Boosts Legitimacy of Yemen


Spanish Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo said that the recent agreement reached by the League of Arab States for the creation of a joint military offensive in Yemen shows a very significant step to support the country’s institutional legitimacy.

In a statement released by the Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Ministry on Thursday night, Garcia-Margallo referred to the agreement positively, which was reached based on the request of Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi during the meeting of Arab leaders last weekend, expressing his support of the intervention of the Saudi-led Arab coalition against Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The minister stressed “the leading role” played by Saudi Arabia to reach this agreement, pointing out that it is “a friendly country with which Spain has very close and brotherly relations.”

The agreement is an initiative that reflects the will, shared by a wide range of partners in the region, to deal with the conflict responsibly and effectively, according to Garcia-Margallo.

He also noted that Spain urges all political and social actors in Yemen to adopt dialogue as the only way to achieve an inclusive, consensual and sustainable solution to the crisis in order to guarantee the security, stability, unity, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen.

The minister added that the Spanish government supports UN leadership in the operation, and calls on all parties to resume political dialogue in line with the Saudi-led Gulf initiative.

(Source: Latin American Herald Tribune)


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