ROS President cuts the ribbon off additional projects at EIA


His Excellency the president of the Republic of Somaliland cut the ribbon off four more projects completed at the recently refurbished Egal International Airport in the capital, Hargeisa.The four projects included the runway extension, the airport fire station, the perimeter wall and the acquisition of more land for the airport.

The Minister for Aviation, briefing the President and other notable guests at today’s ceremony, revealed that EIA was upgraded from a 2.45km runway long stretches of which were truncated and worn out to 3.7km.

The extension added to the EIA runway made it longer than similar facilities in Djibouti, Khartoum, Mogadishu, Aden, Asmara, Kampala and one of the two airports in Addis Abeba.

The Minister said  that the runway was now able to absorb a touchdown shock of 165 tons, and is capable of receiving Airbus 310 and equivalent, making it one of the most trustable runways in the region. The table shown below illustrates the facts enumerated including

The table shown below illustrates the facts enumerated including corresponding elevations to runways cited.CGGSqNTVIAASvEQ

The President expressed his thrill on yet more development projects of great import to Somaliland that the Aviation ministry implemented.

The President stated that the airport was a gateway to the outside world, as it is a mirror and portal to the Republic of Somaliland.

Below is a clip showing the President’s felicitations on the projects implemented and the briefing of the Minister of Aviation, Mohamoud Hashi Abdi.


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