A blind Somalia still claims Berbera as its own!


The article below is copied from an Egyptian daily.  It has also been widely circulated on facebook and as widely read.

Basically, it is a story of the blind leading the blind. In this piece of information an AMISOM guarded so-called minister representing Mogadishu is signing a protocol on the development  of a port city overwhich  he has no control with another more obtuse Minister from Egypt.

Here is how it goes:

 The government represented in the Agriculture, International Cooperation, Trade and Industry ministries announced a new cooperation with Somalia in the development of the port of Berbera, which will be an outlet for Somalia’s exports to Egypt.
Cairo will also develop the infrastructure necessary for the establishment of butcher shops and animal quarantines funded by Egyptian businessmen and importers.
The announcement was made ahead of a tour organized for the Somali Ministers of Animal Resources and Fisheries in Cairo, which begins on Friday. A meeting with Agriculture Minister Salah Al Hilal will be held Friday ahead of the tour.
President of the African Association of Cattle, Hassan Hafez, said in a statement that the ministers will sign protocols for joint cooperation between the two countries in the areas of trade of food commodities, medicine and household items, in return for Egypt’s import of Somali live cattle and fish.
He pointed out that Somalia has a comparative advantage in the export of live cattle as it breeds more than 30 million cattle.

Berbera-www.egyptindependent.com 2015-05-30 21-24-22


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