World News/International How Effective Is The United Nations? By Somtribune Staff Writer - July 12, 2015 0 312 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp The UN was created 70 years ago to protect and to improve lives of people around the world. How effective is it? Partial Transcript 0:04 70 years ago, the United Nations charter was signed and ratified, creating the world’s 0:08 most comprehensive global leadership organization. The UN’s main goals include improving education, 0:14 child mortality rates, maternal health, gender equality and many other initiatives. So, can 0:19 they do it? Exactly how effective is the United Nations? 0:23 The United Nations emerged after World War 2, with the objective of achieving a global 0:27 balance of peace between world powers. Today they have 193 member states. And they have 0:33 roughly 100 thousand soldiers, or “blue-berets” (buh-REYS) operating 16 separate peacekeeping Share this:TwitterRedditWhatsAppTelegramLinkedInPinterestEmailFacebookPocketTumblrPrintLike this:Like Loading... Related