Obama learns from Faisa on women empowerment issues


Obama said he gained a lot of insight into women issues from an impromptu  mini-lecture Faisa Abdi Ali gave him in issues revolving around women empowerment in kenya.Obama Girl_n.mp4_20150728_154601.085

Faisa, a Kenyan Somali – and a natural orator, opened her heart and intellect on putting gender issues across to a captivated president. She, among many otheObama Girl_n.mp4_20150728_154551.277r areas, dwelt a little on education in the Northeastern regions of Kenya and the opportunities – or lack of them – for girls in those areas.

Later, responding to her,  President Obama stated Faisa’s words contributed much to his understanding of the issue, and that he will consider it for due process.

Obama met civil society organizations at the Kenyatta University during his historic visit to Kenyta where Faisa represented an organization called Sisters Without Borders.


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