Government, Former Planning assistant Minister defend SDF of media allegations (+Video)


Top government officials refuted in the strongest terms a commentary by Waaheen newspaper, a Somali language which accusing government officials of graft and unjustly managing the Somaliland Development Fund (SDF).DSC03558(3).jpgDr. Sacad Ali Shire, the Somaliland Minister of National planning and Development speaking to the media during a press conference held at the at the ministry headquarters began by elaborating on the Ministry of National Planning and Development (MoNPD) in fulfilling its mandate through a five-year (2012-2016) National Development Plan (NDP) for Somaliland, that focuses on sustainable development and poverty reduction.

“Somaliland’s National Development Plan (NDP) provides a medium-term framework for achieving the country’s long term development aspirations as embodied in Somaliland Vision 2030, and the Millennium Development Goals”, he added.

NBS (1)Dr. Sacad added, “The Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) is a 4 year fund designed to support the Government of Somaliland (GoSL) in filling critical gaps that are fully aligned to the National Development Plan (NDP).

The SDF is currently funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and the Governments of Norway and the Netherlands.

The plan is made up of five main pillars which are Economic, Infrastructure, Governance, Social, and Environmental.

Dr. Sacad Ali Shire further elaborated on the current ongoing projects being implement by the Somaliland Development Fund, “The SDF Joint Steering Committee has approved of funding for the following project and is currently in the process implementing them:shown Below

Lastly the minister of national planning advised journalists to report the truth and be impartial in their news reporting and also to double check their facts .NBS (2)The Minister of State for finance Hon Osman Saharadid Adani gave an in-depth briefing on how the current government had initiated development projects funded by funds from the central coffers in which he stated, “The government of Somaliland has through state funds initiated numerous development projects among them the funding of the Burao –Erigavo road and the awarding of ranks in the various branches of the armed forces and that the 10% of the overall budget has being allocated to development projects.

Hon Adani further stated, “Among the proposed development projects we plan to initiate this year from funds availed from the central go towards the construction of the Burao-Erigavo road and other roads in the country, the construction of the Berbera library and for the construction of government buildings.NBS

The former the Minister for Planning Hon Abdikarim Ahmed Mooge strongly denied reports carried by Waaheen,a Somali language that he had resigned because of massive corruption in the Ministry of National Planning and Development (MoNPD) .

“I clearly stated the reasons behind his resignation from government on my Facebook page tendered his resignation to the President of the Republic of Somaliland in order to pursue personal business and I don’t know get such stories, maybe they consult with demons”, Mr. Mooge stated .

Ministry/ Agency Project Focus Duration Total Budget Regions Location Beneficiaries
Ministry of Agriculture Soil and water conservation 2 years $2,556,896 Maroodi Jeex Aburiin 22,000
Ministry of Livestock Livestock Holding Grounds 2 year $4,613,555 Togdheer and Maroodijeex Qoolcaday and Aroori                  136,000
Ministry of Environment and Rural Development Regional offices, forestry and grazing reserves 2 years $ 2,316,000 All Multiple 60,000
Ministry of Water Resources Rural and Urban Water Infrastructure 2 year $5,540,000 Sahil, Sool Awdal and Sanaag, Berbera, Burco, Las Anod, Hadaaftimo and Gargooray, Elfwein, Kulal 448,600
Hargeisa Water Agency Urban Water Supply 1 year $9,503,000 Maroodi Jeex Hargeisa 57,000
Roads Development Agency Roads rehabilitation – Hamaas – Berbera – Sheikh 1 year $ 7,109,030 Sahil Hamas, Berbera and Sheikh 700,000
Various Development of Harmonized Land Policy 1 year $1,000,000 All All 3,000,000
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Support to fisheries sector in Somaliland 1.5 years $1,843,600 All 3,000,000
Ministry of National Planning and Development Communication Hub 3 years $1,858,850 All All 3,000,000
Roads Development Authority Road rehabilitation – Kalabaydh – Dila 1 year $2,759,600 Maroodijeex and Awdal Kalabaydh and Dila 300,000
Ministry of Health Sool and Sanaag Health project 3 years $4,985,863 Sool and Sanaag Las Anod and Erigavo Hospitals 200,000
Ministry of Education Sool and Sanaag Education Project 3 years $2,608,894 Sool and Sanaag Las Anod and Dayaxa Secondary schools 200,000
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Youth Employment Creation 3 years $2,500,000 All All 10,000
  Total allocated   $49,255,288      

To a growing number in Somaliland, it appears as if that the exemplary achievements unique to Somaliland, and that which seprates it from chaotic Somalia, are under sytematic attack: The Guurti, the peace and stability as symbolized by Somaliland’s security forces, the SDF, etc. etc. From where is obvious, through whom, too, but by whom – not so clear yet.

Source: Somalilandpress/Somtribune


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