Somaliland: Samale reasserts his bid for Somaliland presidency


Former  Republic of Somalilanimagesd Minister of Finance Hon. Abdiasis Mohamed Samale has once again repeatedly said that he is running for the ruling party’s presidential candidate election which is scheduled to take place in Nov this year.

He reiterated that he has not stopped his presidency bid and said that media reports circulated are totally untrue.

He made clear that he is still in the fight to win the ticket to become Kulmiye’s torch bearer for the year to come.

He stated that he did not make compromise for any of the rivals within the ruling party and went to say that he is quite busy with a hectic schedule ahead of him.

The contest for the Somaliland presidential contenders in the ruling party have now reached a fever pitch and can be felt in Hargeisa, Somaliland capital.


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