Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union Supports Somaliland-Somalia 2012 London Agreement


The 23rd Conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union that was held in Cairo from the 10th to the 11th of April 2016 fully – albeit belatedly – supported the outcome of the Somaliland-Somalia talks held in London in  June 2012.

At the end of the talks between the two former partners in what was known as the ‘Somali Republic’, held at Chevening House, an eight-point resolution was penned and duly signed by the delegates representing, respectively, the Republic of Somaliland and Somalia.

The Somaliland-Somalia  Chevening Declaration of 21 June 2012 stated that the two sides:

  • Agreed that the talks would take place between two sides – the TFG (or its replacement) and Somaliland, in accordance with paragraph 6 of the London Conference Communiqué and paragraph 10 of the Istanbul II Conference Communiqué;
  • Noted the need to adopt a common approach to avoid anything that would undermine the continuation of the talks as defined above;
  • Committed to the continuation of the talks and called on the two presidents to meet to review progress as soon as possible;
  •  Called on the international community to continue to facilitate the talks, including providing the two sides with external experts on legal, economic and security matters;
  • Agreed to share experience on working more effectively with the international community on the use of development and humanitarian assistance for the people of both sides and called for the international community to increase that assistance;
  • Agreed to cooperate in the fight against terrorism, extremism and serious crimes;
  • Agreed to cooperate in the fight against piracy at sea and on land, maritime crime, illegal fishing and toxic dumping; and
  • Reiterated their support for ending the Transition in Somalia.

The Arab Inter-parliamentary delegates ‘welcomed the agreement reached at the London Conference between the Somali sides/parties, seeing them as a positive step towards the resolution of the Somali problem’.

A second point that the Conference resolved relating to Somalis called on Arab and regional organizations to come up with humanitarian and food to combat with ‘conflict effects’ in ‘Somalia’ – highlighting how shallow and affected was the Arab view on Somali issues at the macro level in the belief that Somalis were all embroiled in wars and conflict. Nothing was said about the devastating, protracted effects of drought in the region.apu

New Picture

 ____________________________Download  the Complete Communique’ here 23_Cairo_FinalReport_2016_April_2


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