WFP Ethiopia, Somali Region Drought Emergency Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme



Somali Region:

· The WFP Jijiga Area Office carried out supervision of six Mobile Health and Nutrition Teams MHNT in Sitti Zone, and provided technical support on optimal TSFP delivery.

· WFP, DPPB, RHB, WHO, and SCI carried out a rapid nutrition assessment Koloji IDP camp. Mid-Upper Arm Circumference findings for children under five years showed rates of 12.5% Moderate Acute Malnutrition. Pregnant and Lactating Women were not assessed. The Somali DPPB has formally requested support for blanket supplementary feeding activities or Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme within the camp.

Afar Region:

· An additional 18 Mobile Health and Nutrition Teams joined the two existing teams, delivering Moderate Acute Malnutrition treatment in the region.

· WFP supported the Afar Disaster Prevention and Food Security Programme Coordination Office, giving 27 TSFP surge capacity staff training in TSFP implementation and activities, handling of specialised nutritious foods, and reporting procedures. The staff is currently active in the region.

· With the objective to identify health facilities with the capacity to implement TSFP, WFP assessed 15 health facilities in Adaar woreda, looking at trained health workers, availability of complementary Community Management of Acute Malnutrition services, and storage facilities.

Tigray Region:

· The lean season, June and July, caused a significant increase in request for assistance to MAM children.

· In September the admission criteria, measuring the Mid-Upper Arm Circumference, was changed from 210 mm to 230 mm cut-off, in line with national MAM standard. As a result, the number of PLW beneficiaries increased in the following month, October, as people who previously would not be defined as moderately malnourished now were.

· In September, only one woreda requested TSFP assistance. In October planned beneficiaries was not reached due to delayed food arrivals and pipeline breaks.

SNPR Region:

· In June several woredas received enough TSFP commodities to cover both June and July. As a result, fewer woredas requested food in July than planned.

· In October transport challenges caused delays in deliveries of TSFP commodities to the region, affecting implementation activities.

· WFP supported the training of 12 new TSFP surge capacity staff in TSFP activities. The staff are currently working to support the government with reporting.

Oromia Region:

· In October WFP supported the induction of 37 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP) surge capacity staff. They were trained in TSFP activities, and are currently working to support the government with data collection and reporting.

· Deliveries of TSFP commodities were delayed due to the social unrest in the regions, particularly in the Arsi and West Arsi zones.

· Nine field monitors in the WFP Nazreth Area Office were trained in TSFP programme implementation and activities, admission and discharge criteria and monitoring.

Amhara Region:

· In September the number of planned and actual beneficiaries increased as a result of strengthened outreach and screening activities.

· In October WFP participated in the monthly regional health and nutrition task force. The participants shared updates on the regional health and nutrition situation and their own activities.

· WFP with supported the training of 58 new TSFP surge capacity staff to Afar and Amhara regions. Currently the staff is working to support the government with reporting.


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