African Youth Parliament Supports Republic of Somaliland in ‘Actualization of Its Statehood’



The African Youth Parliament is a continental and youth-led organization with Représentatives from (54) Sovereign Nations in Africa with Somaliland coming on board as the 55th Member State of the African Youth Parliament with its own name and identity, which the Government of Somalia has no credential to represent the Republic of Somaliland in the African Youth Parliament. Our visit to Somaliland does not imply that AYP has visited a territory of its Member States but the reality on the ground is that the Republic of Somaliland is a separate country standing its own feet, which our member State of Somalia has no legitimacy and jurisdiction over the territory of Somaliland. lt may interest you to know that Asia is also coming on board as a bilateral partner to African Youth Parliament and that explains the engagements of AYP Ambassador to Asia here with us.

African Youth Parliament was founded in 2003 at a meeting convened in Nairobi Kenya with the intent to work towards promoting and advocating for youthful solutions to Africa’s fundamental challenges. This is enshrined in our objectives as follows;

. To facilitate consultation, expression and action among youths in Africa,

. Foster the sharing of information and interaction among youths at international levels; Promote effective youth participation for Nation building.

. Give impetus to and support national and international  solidarity  by  and  for  youths; Contribute to the socio-economic integration of young people and the promotion of entrepreneurial, educational, cultural, sporting and civic values for a better Africa;

. Contribute to youth representation in all local, national and international meetings thereby

. promoting the culture of volunteerism, humanitarian actions and sustainable development. Promote the development of girl and young woman for effective participation in community  life;

. Contribute to the tight against uncivil behavior, discrimination, social marginalization,social scourges and poverty among youths in Africa;

. Mobilise human, material and financial resources internationally for the accomplishment of its missions.

The visit of the African Youth Parliament to Somaliland docs create any rights to third party or other entity other than the Government of the Republic of Somaliland which has the supremacy of control of its territory, which accepted our visit to Somaliland.  The Government of Somaliland does not form a part of Somalia since 1991, when Somaliland liberated its territory from Soinalia’s aggressions. Somaliland does not recognize provisional Constitution of Somalia August 2012 and no one has credentials to represent Somaliland in the African Youth Parliament, except Hon. Abdirisak Yusuf Jama the AYP Country Representative of the Republic of Somaliland and as per the credential letter that the Government of Somaliland has appointed Hon. AbdlrlSak Yu5uf lama to be the permanent representative of the Republic of Somaliland to the AYP.

The purpose of AYP’ s visit was a strategic and assessment/Advocacy on information about the culture, democratic system and quintessential leadership that is innate in the territory of the Republic of Somaliland and which could be modeled as a prototype for leadership in the entire African continent. The delegation was made up of RT. Hon. Bamikole Oladele Babs, Speaker of AYP from Nigeria. Rt. Hon. Melv in Songwe Shuye the AYP Deputy Speaker Incharge of Central Africa from Cameroon, Hon. Oloja Olanrewaju the AYP Head of Project and Development from Nigeria, Rt.hon.Omsalaina A.A.Mohamed AYP Deputy Speaker in-charge of the East Africa from the Republic Sudan, Hon. Abdirisak Yusuf Jama the AYP Country Representative of the Republic of Somaliland and Ambassador Diamond Lamichhane Security Adviser/AYP Ambassador to Asia.

*Historical Perspectives of the State of Somaliland

The country has a land area of 68,000 square miles or 176,119.32  square kilometers  and has a coastline of 860 kilometers. The size of Somaliland is close to the size of Uruguay of South America 176, 215, which is covering about  0.12%  of the world land. The size of the land of Somaliland fall the 91st largest country of the world.

Population: Britain had estimated the total population of Somaliland protectorate to 650,000 in 1957. Since then, there was no census made in the country to maintain an accurate population data that is based on a central population register supported by a compulsory Registration Act enacted and in force in the country. However, the population of Somaliland has been calculated from the baseline data of estimation made in 1957 with this statistical calculation of population growth for 60* years, Somaliland population is estimated 4, 314,700 Million as of 31″ December 2018.

Political independence:

Somaliland Attainment of political independence on 26 June 1960: Agreement between Somaliland and UK on attainment of independence: Treaty Series No. 44 (1960) SOMALILAND Agreements and Exchanges of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland in connexion with the Attainment of Independence by Somaliland Hargeisa, June 26, 1960, Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by Command of Her Majesty July 1960. (See document 2).

Somaliland Attainment of political independence on 26 June 1960: Treaty Series No. 88 (1960), Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by Command of Her Majesty February 1961, Agreements and Exchanges of Letters in connexion with the Attainment of June 26, 1960 Independence by Somaliland United Kingdom and Somal iland, Hargeisa, June 26, 1 960, No.44, Cmnd.1101.

The international treaty granting political independence for  Somaliland with the United Nations by United Kingdom has been recording and registered with the United Nations by UK Government on 13″ September 1960. Somaliland is now exercising its sovereignty on the basis of principles of non-transferred jurisdiction and sovereignty. There is no international law that obligates Somaliland referendum for independence and there is no such entity with legal competence to impose Somaliland referendum to the fact that Somaliland and Somalia were short-lived States as of 1st July 1960 and later both were secessionist from the Somali Republic.

The country has its own passport, a national currency that has been operational since 1994, national army, and democratic election, which is very rare in Africa.

Somaliland Flag:

See the source image

The territory of Somaliland

The Republic of Somaliland situates on the north-central portion of the Horn of Africa, in East Africa. The Republic of Somaliland borders with Ethiopia to the south and west, Djibouti to the north-west, the Gulf of Aden to the north, and Somalia to the east.’

The territory of Somaliland is in line with the principles of territorial integrity international treaties that established Somaliland boundaries are:

The Agreement between the British and French Governments with regard to tb.e Gulf of Tajourra and the Somali Coast, February 2—8. 1888. Edward Hertslet, the Map of Africa by Treaty, 3v. 3d ed, (London: Harrison and Sons. 1909), Vol. 2.

The Protocols between the Governments of Her Britannic Majesty and of His Majesty the King of Italy, for the Demarcation of their respective Spheres of Influence in Eastern Africa, March 24 and April 15, 1891, United Kingdom. Treaty Series, Italy,  h’o. 1 (1891), C. 6316 and Protocol between Great Britain and Ethiopia respecting the Demarcation of their respective Sphere of Influence in Eastern Africa, May 5, 1894, United Kingdom, Treaty Series, No. 17, 1894.

The Treaty between Great Britain and Ethiopia (Frontiers of British Protectorate of Somali Coast), May 14, 1897, the Map of Africa by Treaty, op. cit.

Somaliland and UK transfer of jurisdiction on 26 June 1960: Agreement No. 5349. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Somaliland: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement providing that, should the Government of Somaliland be a party to any agreement transferring jurisdiction over the Territory of Somaliland to any other Government, such agreement should provide that the obligations of the Government of Somaliland in respect of certain specified instruments are transferred to that other Government. Hargeisa, 26 June 1 960.

Our Recommendations

  1. That the African Union (AU), United Nations (UN) and other State and Non-state actors respect the territorial and political sovereignty of the Republic of Somaliland.
  2. That other countries should begin the process of commencing socio-economic relationship with the Republic of Somaliland.

That 26“ June 1960 shall be the independence day of Somaliland as stipulated by international treaties.

  1. Investors and corporate organization should commence feasibility studies and business

tour of Somaliland for mutually beneficial trades and economic relationship.

VII. The global Community should join and support the African Youth Parliament on our awareness and solidarity campaign tagged #AYP Somaliland to the World. The African Youth Parliament shall continue to support the cause of justice and support the Republic of Somaliland in her quest for the actualization of its statehood based on the political independence and lawful Sovereignty accessed by Somaliland on 26″‘ June 1960.

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