Somaliland: Malawi FM Visit to Somaliland Was Fact-finding Related to Recognition


Foreign Affairs minister Eisenhower Mkaka has brushed aside social media reports that the government-chartered a presidential jet for him to go to Somaliland on government business.

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Mkaka is in Hargeisa in Somaliland on an official mission.

But speaking to an influential social media activist  Onjezani Kenani,  Minister Mkaka said he has travelled commercial airline and has shared his air ticket.

He went on to explain that Somaliland approached Malawi to support its cause as it fights for recognition as a separate independent country.

“Hon. Mkaka is in Somaliland on a factfinding mission. According to history, said the minister, Somaliland was always a separate nation. Got independence on 26 June 1960.

“The following day, on 27 June, its own Parliament voted to join the part of Somalia that was governed during colonial times by Italy, which it did on 1 July 1960.

“But when Somalia became ungovernable, especially with the fall of General Siad Barre, Somaliland declared the end of its union with Somalia on 15 May 1991,” says Kenani on his Facebook wall.

Kenani says however, no country on earth has formally recognized it since then, although in the chaos that Somalia has been since, this is the only corner of the country that has continued to function as a normal nation and has remained an oasis of stability.

“This week, representatives of the South African ruling party are also there to find out whether there is a way to support the call for Somaliland’s recognition, since 30 years have now passed, and it remains the only stable part of Somalia.

“The Kenyan government was there last month. The United Arab Emirates was there to help them construct their port. Many governments are doing their own factfinding there,” says Kenani.

Kenani says the minister told him that the Malawi government has not taken an official position, as it wants to find out facts a bit more, hence his visit.

By Owen Khamula

Source: Nyasa Times


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