Somalia: Shabaab Makes Its Presence Known to Farmaajo at Dhuusamareeb with Mortar Fire


At a time the President of the troubled federal government of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ‘Farmajo’ and his Prime Minister, Mohamed Hussein Rooble, were on a visit, al-Shabaab fighters rained mortar shells on Dhuusamareeb last evening.Galmudug oo jawaab deg-deg ah ka bixisay weerarkii Dhuusamareeb

The regional presidents of Hirshabelle and Southwest – the closest to the President of the five federal member states, besides the host, Galmudug’s, were also there at the time.

According to an official statement of the town Mayor, Abdirahman Geedaqorow, the fighters fired at least 10 mortar shells on the town’s airstrip some of which strayed to adjacent residential areas.

Three civilians are reported injured. The government did not disclose if there were any on its side.

Mayor Geedaqorow added that one of the Islamist fighters was killed and another was taken into custody alive and that they and the guns they were fighting with will be put on display for the press to record and report in due time – probably sometime today.

The regional presidents of Jubaland and Puntland, Ahmed Islam ‘Madoobe’ and Saeed Deni, are expected to reach Dhuusamareeb, today, where a meeting between the federal government and federal member states is scheduled to convene.

Ahmed Madoobe’s presidential guards were airlifted to the town yesterday in anticipation of his arrival.

Caustic differences on the mode and process an afore set roadmap to the parliamentary and presidential elections of Somalia has taken has developed between the regional member states of Puntland and Jubaland, on one side, and the federal president, Farmajo, on the other.

The former accused the President of hijacking the process and on reneging on some aspects of the resolutions reached on September last regarding the electoral process.

The impasse was partially resolved by a pressure exerted on all sides by international Somalia partners who asked all stakeholders to come together on another meeting to hammer out an agreement.



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