US investors eyeing Iran’s stock market


Mohammad Fetanat, the president of the Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO), said contacts from US companies were made immediately after Iran and P5+1 announced that they had found solutions to move ahead toward a final deal over the Iranian nuclear energy program.

Representatives of Iran and the P5+1 group of countries along with senior officials of the European Union have held intense talks for multiple days in Lausanne in early April. The talks were meant to narrow differences on Tehran’s nuclear energy activities.

The talks culminated in a joint statement on 2 April in which the sides said they had reached mutual understanding over Iran’s nuclear program and will work to draw up a final accord by the end of the self-designated June 30 deadline. A key aspect of the accord will be the removal of a series of US-led economic sanctions on the country.

“After Lausanne statement, a group of foreign investors – even some from the US – made direct and indirect contacts [with SEO] to prepare the grounds for investing in Iran’s stock market,” Fetanat has been quoted as saying by Iran’s Persian-language newspaper Jahan-e San’at.

The official also emphasized that the government has high expectations from SEO to bring foreign investors in the Iranian market. He said a special committee in the capital market has presently been set up to the same effect.

He further emphasized that Iran’s capital market needs to be prepared for the day that sanctions against Iran are lifted and international investors start to flow to the country.

“The most important step that needs to be taken to attract foreign investment is the establishment of financial holdings that are based on international standards,” Fetanat said. “Besides, Iran needs to promote its privatization policies to make them more efficient”.

(Source: Pavyand Iran News)



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