Somaliland: Guurti Speaker Not Ready to Throw in the Towel Yet


The Honourable Suleiman Mohamoud Adam ‘Suleiman Gaal’, the venerable House Speaker of the Upper House of the Republic of Somaliland bicameral parliament, Guurti, affirmed, Saturday, that he did not tender his resignation to the President.

“I have not resigned, neither I and the President had cause to meet on a resignation issue as there was none in the first place,” he said.

The Somaliland independent media has, for the past, been circulating the resignation of the Guurti Speaker who had assumed the leadership of the powerful upper house in 2004.

Tidbits and so-called reliable news about Hon, Suleiman’s resignation did not only go viral on social media but, also, conventional media, including TV stations, took up the slack lending a kind of credibility to the issue.

So many candidates emerged since the rumour came alive.

Although none of them officially spoke to the media on their candidacy, supporters fielded differing characters – some already at the Upper House, some not – each complete with justifications, precedents and resumé.

The House Speaker did not rule out that the professed resignation was started by all or some of the hopefuls who surfaced since then.

“It is possible that the rumour was fanned by contenders eyeing the top leadership of the House. Let them. They have every right to challenge me,” he told those members of the media who met him at his office earlier in the morning.

Since the House was presently on recess, a number of them stated that the incumbent Chairman will make the matter official on 7 February when the House is expected to reconvene.


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